Free Incorporators' Organizational Meeting

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Incorporation State


Your Incorporators' Organizational Meeting will be governed by the laws of Ohio. Also, it will be tailored to meet the specific laws and regulations of Ohio.

Corporation Info

(a) A corporate name must end with, or include the word or abbreviation "company," "co.," "corporation," "corp.," "incorporated," or "inc."
(b) A corporate name must be distinguishable from the name of all other entities in the state.
(c) A corporate name cannot contain any language that indicates or implies that the Corporation is connected with a government agency of this state, another state, or the United States.Note: A name is not considered distinguishable from another name if it only differs in one or more of the following ways:
1. The use of the word corporation, company, incorporated, limited or any abbreviation of those words.
2. The use of any articles, conjunctions, contraction, abbreviation, or punctuation.
3. The use of a different tense or number of the same word.
4. Phonetic spellings. (e.g. Quick v. Kwik)
5. Use of prepositions. (e.g. Galaxy of Homes v. Galaxy Homes)
6. Use of the same letter or initial. (e.g. A. Cable v. AA Cable)
7. Use of possessive. (e.g. Doyle Motors v. Doyles Motors)

Incorporator Info

(e.g. James T. Smith)
Enter the legal name of this incorporator.

Who can be an incorporator?An incorporator may be a natural person, a corporation, whether nonprofit or for profit, a partnership, a limited liability company, an unincorporated society or association, or two or more persons having a joint or common interest.

Meeting Info

(e.g. 1430 - 103 St., Dallas, TX, 93202)

(e.g. March 3, 2025, etc. )

(e.g. 9:00 A.M., 1 P.M., etc.)

(e.g. James T. Smith)

(e.g. James T. Smith)

Incorporator Resolutions

The Minute Book is a general term for a compilation of corporate documents that are maintained at the principal office of the corporation in a form suitable for easy reference by authorized personnel.

The minute book would typically contain the Articles of Incorporation, the Certificate of Incorporation, the corporate Bylaws, the Register of Directors, the Securities Register, the minutes of Directors' and Shareholders' meetings and any other document the directors or Shareholders decide should be included.

Approval of the bylaws by the Incorporators is subject to final approval by the Shareholders.

If directors WERE NOT named in the Articles of Incorporation then directors may be appointed by either the Incorporators or the Shareholders.

If directors WERE named in the Articles of Incorporation then it is not necessary to appoint directors in the Incorporators' Organizational Meeting.

Typically the Incorporators will approve the issuance of shares.

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